Emily Agan・Squarespace Website Designer

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Writing Your About Page on Squarespace: A Guide for Therapists and Coaches

Can I be honest with you? Your 'About Me' page is the unsung hero of your website. It's where potential clients decide if you're the one they've been searching for or just another tab to close — pretty important, RIGHT?! BUT actually writing your About Page on Squarespace can feel overwhelming. Don’t worry, I got you!!! As a Squarespace website designer who often works with therapists and coaches (wink, wink), I’m going to share a few things I see, and tips that I have, when writing your About Page on Squarespace. There’s a lot you can do to make your About Page reaffirm to potential clients that you are the one for them — so let’s get into it!

The Power of 'About Me': More Than Just a Page

First, let’s back up a sec. Does your About Page really matter? I’ve alluded to the answer already, but here’s something you might not know: it's one of the most visited pages on your entire website. So while it can be hard to condense your passions, your qualifications, and your unique approach into a few paragraphs, it’s worth the effort. This page is where potential clients start to feel, "Yes, this is the person I want to work with." 

What to Include on Your About Page (It's Not All About You)!

Now, before you dive into writing your autobiography, let's pause. The secret sauce to writing an engaging About page on Squarespace ISN’T to make it all about you. Confused?

Here's the deal:

  • Your About Page is Designed to Increase the Know-Like-Trust Factor: Above all, your goal is to build a bridge of trust. Your potential clients are looking for someone who gets them, someone they can trust with their vulnerabilities. So you need to show them who you are, beyond the certifications, in a way that they care about.

  • You Need to Show Off Your Qualifications and Your Personality: Yes, your degrees and certifications matter. They show you've done the homework. But remember, it's your personality that turns the page from a resume into a connection. Are you empathetic, funny, or perhaps remarkably patient? This is the time to let your personality sparkle. I might be biased as a designer, but when it comes to your qualifications, design matters more than ever. You don’t want them buried in a paragraph. Book a support session with me to chat about how we can blend the two!

  • Highlight What Makes You Special: What's your secret ingredient? Maybe you specialize in a niche area or have a unique approach to therapy or coaching. Highlight how these special qualities benefit THEM, making their choice to work with you a no-brainer.

If you have all three of these - writing your About Page on Squarespace as a therapist or coach is going to be a lot easier!

Feeling a bit lost on what other elements your website might be missing to truly stand out? Head here for more things your website needs to stand out and convert in 2024.

Bringing It All Together

Now that we've chatted about what you need to include, remember that writing your About page on Squarespace is something that can change over time. As you grow and evolve, so should your page. It's not just a one-and-done deal; it's a reflection of your journey, your ethos, and the transformative experiences you offer. In the digital age, where the human connection can sometimes feel lost, your 'About Me' page is a powerful tool to bridge that gap. It's your chance to show not just who you are, but why you do what you do, and how you can make a difference in their lives. 

So, take a deep breath, embrace the challenge, and start writing. And who knows? The next person who reads it might just be the one whose life you're about to change!

Tips For Writing Your About Page on Squarespace

Writing your About page on Squarespace doesn't have to be a daunting task. By focusing on the know-like-trust factor, showcasing your qualifications alongside your personality, and highlighting what makes you special you can create a page that truly resonates with your ideal clients. It doesn’t need to be a million words either. I like to encourage clients to aim for a minimum of 300-500 words, broken up with headings.

Have fun with it, and lead with authenticity always, and before you know it, you’re ideal clients will be reaching out saying “I knew I wanted to work with you once I was reading [insert cool thing you shared on your About Page here]”

Want help creating a website that really stands out? Reach out today to book your VIP day, or book a discovery call with me, and let's create something together.

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