Emily Agan・Squarespace Website Designer

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How to Create a New Website Fast

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Oh, hey there! So, you're ready to get your brand online stat with a sleek, user-friendly website, right? If you’re reading this, you likely know that your website is one of the most important elements in your business, but the big question is: how do you create a new website fast without getting lost in the details? Well, that's exactly what we're diving into today. We're talking about the perks of using platforms like Squarespace, the big decision between buying a template or hiring a designer, and why keeping things simple is always in your favor when you want to create a new website fast!

The Advantages of Using Squarespace

First up, let's talk about Squarespace. It's super user-friendly, looks amazing, and the best part? You don't need to be a tech whiz to get the hang of it. As a website designer, I could go on and on about why I love Squarespace so much, but here's the cliff notes version of why Squarespace is a top pick for getting your site up and running:

  • Simplicity: Squarespace offers a drag-and-drop interface that makes creating (AND UPDATING) a website as easy as pie. No coding = no tears.

  • Design: There are so many stunning and affordable Squarespace templates out there that make your website look custom, in half the time it would usually take.

  • Built-in SEO Tools: Squarespace packs a punch with SEO tools that boost your website's visibility on search engines. You'll have guidance on fine-tuning titles, descriptions, and URLs to improve your search rankings.

  • Scalability: Whether you're a solo entrepreneur or a growing business, Squarespace grows with you, making it easy to add features or pages as your business expands.

  • Integrated E-Commerce Solutions: This might be one of the biggest perks! With Squarespace, you can set up your online store without breaking a sweat (and yeah, if you’ve tried Shopify or Showit, you know that there IS sweating involved when it comes to most e-commerce platforms). Whether you’re selling merch or a digital product, Squarespace really is an all-in-one solution.

  • Responsive Design: All Squarespace templates are responsive, which means your site will look awesome on any device (you can tweak mobile - but you don’t need to set it up from scratch every time!). This not only makes for a better user experience but also helps with your SEO efforts.

  • Support Whenever You Need It: Squarespace is known for its INCREDIBLE customer support. With 24/7 access to their stellar customer support team via live chat and email, help is always at hand. Plus, they have a library of help articles and video tutorials if you're the DIY type.

Buying a Template vs. Hiring a Designer

Now, this is where things get spicy. Buying a template is all about convenience and speed. It's affordable, straightforward, and you instantly know what your website will look like. Plus, with a bit of customization (wink, wink, 😉 that's where I come in for a VIP day), you can make it uniquely yours.

If you're considering a template, check out Hold Space Creative. They offer premium, done-for-you Squarespace templates specifically tailored for therapists & coaches. It's an excellent place to start if you're looking to save time while also ensuring a professional appearance for your online presence.

On the other hand, hiring a designer offers a personalized touch. It ensures your website is precisely what you want, though it requires more time and investment. So, what's the best move? If you're aiming to create a new website fast and keep an eye on your budget, kicking off with a template and adding some custom tweaks could be the perfect solution for you.

Need more help to decide? Dive deeper with me on this topic right here!

Don’t Get Stuck in Indecision Mode

Falling into the trap of overcomplicating your new site with every fancy feature under the sun is all too easy, but remember, simplicity wins the race. A cluttered website can be a maze for visitors, making it a challenge to locate what they need (EVEN IF it’s gorgeous). To guarantee a seamless experience for everyone, I recommend you aim for a sleek and focused site. This is where the beauty of a one-page website comes in (a specialty of mine!). They're perfect for anyone just starting to bring their service business online. Not only are one-page websites streamlined and easy to navigate, but they're also incredibly simple to customize and expand as your needs grow. Start with the essentials, and remember, you can always add more bells and whistles later!

Curious to dive deeper? Swing by my blog for the full scoop on one-page websites and get inspired to kickstart your own.

Are You Ready to Create A New Website Fast?

And there you have it! When you set out to create a new website fast, it doesn't have to be a tedious, never ending project. With the right tools and a clear plan, you can quickly turn your desperate need for a new website into reality. Keep in mind, Squarespace is great for its simplicity and style, and the choice between a template and a designer (or hiring a designer to customize your template) boils down to your specific needs and how quickly you want to get things done. Keeping your site simple and having a clear understanding of your audience are crucial steps to creating a website that truly connects. I can help with that!

Feeling inspired but craving a bit more guidance or perhaps a sprinkle of customization magic? I've got you! Whether you're interested in tweaking a template to make it uniquely yours or you're ready to dream up something completely custom, I'm here to help bring your vision to life. Reach out, check out my portfolio page, and let's get started on making your website everything you've imagined. I’m ready when you are! 🌟

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