Emily Agan・Squarespace Website Designer

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35 Lead Magnet Ideas for Life Coaches

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Do I need a lead magnet as a life coach?

If you're a life coach providing online services, then you 100% need a way to stay in touch with your website leads. One way to do this is by offering them something of value in exchange for their email address.

That's where the lead magnet comes in!

A lead magnet sometimes called a downloadable freebie or opt-in, helps you demonstrate your expertise, build trust with potential customers, and generate leads all through your website. It's also a great way to book out your calendar with the right kind of clients, as you can filter who enters your funnel.

What makes a good opt-in freebie for a life coach?

A lead magnet or freebie could be a helpful resource like an eBook, a free trial of your services, or an exclusive discount code. If it's something the person is interested in, and can be easily accessed without requiring a lot of effort on their part, then you're golden.

Below I’ve listed out some examples to help you get started.

Lead Magnet or Opt-In Freebie Ideas for Life Coaches

  1. An audio course on how to manifest your goals

  2. An eBook on the power of positive self-talk

  3. A worksheet on how to declutter your life

  4. A checklist for setting achievable goals

  5. A quiz/assessment to see if they're a good fit for your services

  6. A template for creating a morning routine

  7. An exclusive look inside your client's journey

  8. An in-depth guide to building confidence and self-esteem

  9. A free webinar on ways to stay motivated

  10. A cheat sheet for finding balance and inner peace

  11. A list of mantras for a mindset shift

  12. Downloadable daily journal prompts

  13. A list of tools and resources for habit tracking

  14. A 30-day challenge for getting unstuck and taking action

  15. An email course on how to be a better communicator

  16. A master class for mastering the art of small talk

  17. A series of videos on mindfulness and meditation

  18. A checklist of tips for a stress-free morning

  19. A discount off their first session with you.

  20. A workbook for creating a life plan

  21. A mini-course on overcoming fear and negative thinking

  22. A workbook for defining success according to your own terms

  23. A guide on becoming an expert at self-care

  24. A virtual retreat to revitalize the mind and body

  25. An audio course on building resilience and overcoming struggles

  26. A checklist for a healthy sleep routine

  27. A free trial of your one-on-one coaching services

  28. An exclusive discount code on your next program or workshop

  29. A mini-course on how to break bad habits and create positive ones

  30. A guide to building healthy relationships

  31. A list of your favorite self-care books

  32. A playlist of your favorite motivational songs

  33. A guided visualization to release stress and anxiety

  34. Downloadable illustrated quotes or affirmations

  35. A workshop on discovering your unique values

Need Design Help for Your Coaching Business?

Now that you have a lead magnet idea (or 35), it's time to start creating! Just remember to keep your target audience in mind 👀

And if you need any help bringing your creative vision to life, reach out! I offer VIP Days for projects just like this!

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