Online Business, Business Tips Emily Agan Online Business, Business Tips Emily Agan

The top 3 lessons I learned when starting my online business

I found myself discussing business with friends over dinner again. It's hard not to when you're the CEO of a one-woman show—discussing things that I now know about running an online business, myths that are all too common, and trying to explain how I do what I do over the sound of sake shots and onion trains at the hibachi grill. Hindsight is 2020, and I had no clue what I was getting into when I first started my business. This first year has been eye-opening, to say the least. But now, I have a wealth of insight to share. If you're a new online business owner or looking to start one soon, I hope to shed a little light on what's to come. So today, I'm spilling the beans on the top lessons I've learned when starting an online business. Here's to you and your new business. Cheers, friend!

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Online Business, Business Tips Emily Agan Online Business, Business Tips Emily Agan

How to start an online business in 2021: the complete step-by-step guide

So 2020 has finally come to a close. (Heavy sigh of relief.) And it's time to make those new year's resolutions. Maybe even kick-off that online business you've been dreaming about for a while. After all, there's no time like a pandemic to get yourself online; nothing could be more perfectly socially distanced. So how do you make this new venture a success? Well, keep reading, my friend, because I've created a step-by-step guide on how to start an online business in 2021.

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