Business Tips, Online Business Emily Agan Business Tips, Online Business Emily Agan

3 Simple things you can do to streamline your online business

Streamlining is all about creating speed and ease of movement—one of my favorite things in life. For your online business, this means eliminating or simplifying unnecessary tasks to improve your mini empire's efficiency- sometimes through technology, like with a customer relationship management tool (CRM system), or by coming up with some savvy new organizational plan. These puzzle pieces will make you look badass when it comes to business because they tell your customers that you're on your A-game.

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Online Business, Business Tips Emily Agan Online Business, Business Tips Emily Agan

Should I list my prices on my website?

The struggle on whether to put your prices on your website for new business owners is real. Your inner dialogue is telling you, "If I post my prices, my website visitors will get sticker shock and then never come back!” I get it. Putting the real numbers loud and proud on your site is like getting naked in front of a room full of strangers. It's vulnerable, uncomfortable, and sometimes counterintuitive. But it's one of the best things you can do to get clients, and today I'm going to walk you through why that is.

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Online Business, SEO, Business Tips Emily Agan Online Business, SEO, Business Tips Emily Agan

If I could tell new online business owners one thing...

As a new online business owner, you might think that the number one thing you ought to be focusing on is your website, maybe your branding, or even your business name. And these are all important, of course. But if I could let you in on one little secret when it comes to starting your online business, the thing you ought to be focusing on and pouring your blood, sweat, and tears into is none of the above.

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The 7 essential pages to have on your website

Creating a website for the first time can be an "Oh shit" moment in more ways than one. There's a lot to think about when it comes to design, photos, text, layout... the list goes on and on. But today, I'm giving you some basic blueprints when building your site that will take the headache out of the process. Your website needs to be built with the foundations of these seven essential pages. I'm going to walk you through each one step-by-step, and hopefully, you'll have a better picture of the overall plan when we're through.

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Online Business, Business Tips Emily Agan Online Business, Business Tips Emily Agan

You need a blog for your online business! Here's why.

So you've heard a bit about blogging and that it's key to growing your online business. But maybe you're thinking, "Is it worth the time and energy?" Well, I'm here to tell you that it is, especially if you run solely online with no brick and mortar connection. Blogging is the gold nugget of growing and is highly underutilized by brand new business owners. If you're looking to increase your exposure, have more income, be successful online, then read on, my friend.

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Online Business, SEO Emily Agan Online Business, SEO Emily Agan

Boost your business in Google search results by doing these 3 things on your Squarespace website

It can be frustrating to finish your brand new Squarespace website, hit publish, and then immediately Google yourself to find that nothing is showing up in search results. "What the heck?! I thought a new website was supposed to help my business get more exposure!" I hear you, my friend. But don't fret. You can do some things to make sure that your brand new website is set up for success. Keep reading to find out what you can do for your Squarespace website to help your online business show up in Google search results.

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