How to Create a Lead Magnet Landing Page on Squarespace

If you’re looking to grow your email list this year (like me!), you’ve got to nail your lead magnet landing page on Squarespace. This is one of the biggest things I see small businesses miss as they set out to launch their fancy new websites. Don’t worry though—as a pro Squarespace designer, I’m here to walk you through the ins and outs of creating a landing page that not only looks awesome but that also converts like crazy. This is going to be a GOOD read. Let’s dive right in!

squarespace website designer discusses how to create a lead magnet landing page on squarespace

Those Headlines Need to Pop!

First things first, your headline is basically your first impression—make it count! It’s what snags your visitor's attention and, if it’s catchy enough, keeps them scrolling. Spend some time crafting a headline that speaks directly to your audience’s needs. This step doesn’t need to be rushed. Think of it as your one-liner pitch; what would make your audience think, “Heck yes, I need this!”?

If you’re feeling stuck, experiment with different formulas, like posing a problem and promising a solution, or asking a question in your headline that your lead magnet answers (for example: Want more clients for your therapist biz? Grab my ultimate guide to booking 30 new clients in 30 days—just remember to make sure it’s something you can actually deliver).

Make That Call-to-Action (CTA) Shine

On a lead magnet landing page, your call-to-action is the most important thing. Make sure your CTA buttons are bright and bold—choose a color that pops off the page but still fits with your overall vibe. Remember, consistency is your friend here; it keeps things looking professional and clean. Plus, studies have shown that if your CTA buttons are all the same color, they become more recognizable (and clicked on!) by your average reader. Design psychology is weird sometimes, huh?

Bonus: For longer lead magnet landing pages, I recommend giving THREE opportunities down the page to opt-in. Don’t think asking them once is enough. Remind them that you have what they are looking for!

Pick Your Pics with Purpose

We all love a good visual, right? I might be a little biased as a designer but the right images can say a lot about how good your freebie is (and your brand in general!). Choose pics that are more than just pretty—make sure they connect with your message and speak directly to your audience. Whether it’s a calming image for a wellness guide or a sharp, professional photo for a business toolkit, your images should match your words.

Don’t Underestimate the Power of a Mockup

I know it can feel like people don’t “really need a mockup of a free guide” but the truth is, people are more likely to opt-in when they can visually see what they are getting. Show off the cover page of that lead magnet pdf, or screengrab that free video training. Trust me - it’ll boost the number of people willing to sign over their email address.

Speaking of Forms… Keep it Casual, OK?

Ever landed on a page that asks for your last name, date of birth, phone number, and favorite color just to sign up for a freebie? Yeah, let’s not do that. Stick to simple forms—just a first name and an email should do the trick.

Embrace the Space—Whitespace, That Is

Let’s talk about whitespace. While it might seem tempting to fill every inch of your page, a bit of breathing room can actually do wonders. Whitespace helps make your content more digestible and keeps your visitors focused on what matters. Use it strategically to draw attention to your CTAs and headlines, making your page easier to read and more visually appealing.

Quick check in: How are you doing? No worries if this seems like a lot to tackle! Grab my lead magnet template freebie to kick things off with ease! OR why not just hire me to set it up for you?

Use BULLET Points to Talk About Pain Points + Results They Can Expect

If someone is downloading a resource, chances are they have a pain point or something that they are pining for. You need to make it obvious that the answer to their problems are inside!

That said - you also need to keep in mind that people are skimming. Ask a question and give bullet point answers. For example, asking things like, “Tired of the same old, same old?” can hit home with your readers. Highlight the real results they can expect right after with a quick list. This technique helps create a conversational tone and makes it easier to skim, making your page feel more personal and easy for them to take action.

Who’s Behind All This? Introduce Yourself

Depending on the nature of your lead magnet landing page, consider including a little bio about yourself towards the end. It’s your chance to say hello and build trust by showing there’s a real person behind the screen. Share a quick story or anecdote that relates to why you created the freebie, adding depth and relatability to your page.

Button Up with Style (Death to the “Subscribe to My List” Please!)

Lastly, the wording matters—a lot. Swap out the usual ‘Submit’ or 'Subscribe' buttons with something more fun like 'Get it now!' or 'Yes, I want in!'. It sounds simple, but it really does go a long way when it comes to making your visitors feel excited about what they are getting. Consider different phrases that could entice your specific audience, maybe even testing a few to see what really drives clicks!

What's Next? Let’s Get You Set Up!

If you're wondering about the next steps and feeling a bit unsure, take a second to grab my lead magnet template freebie! It’s designed to make things super easy for you, helping you put together your first freebie in minutes and skip the hassle of starting from scratch.

But—if you're thinking, "I’d rather have a pro handle this," well, I'm your gal! Get in contact with me here. We can figure out a plan that suits your pace, budget, and vision. Whether you're just starting out or looking to revamp your existing efforts, let's make it happen together.

Emily Agan

I’m a Squarespace website designer.

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