Increase Traffic To Your Website as a Service-Based Business

Open notebook with a pen, a wine glass, and papers on a wooden table, in preparation to write ideas to increase traffic to your website.

Are you a service-based business looking for ways to increase traffic to your website? You’re in the right place. This is my specialty as a Squarespace designer for coaches, consultants, therapists, and other service-based businesses. In this article, I’m breaking down six different strategies to help you increase traffic. But if you’re feeling overwhelmed, here’s the good news: you don’t have to do all six to have a wildly successful business. Here’s your permission slip to use the ones that excite you and leave the rest!

01. Optimize Your Website for SEO

If you’ve followed me for a while (or read the blog), you know how I feel about SEO. If you want to increase traffic to your website, the first place you want to start is by refreshing your content to include keywords and rewriting your meta titles and descriptions. Make sure to set up a free tool like Google Search Console to help track your progress, as well. As you climb the SEO rankings, you'll notice more visitors and, even better, more potential clients ready to reach out and book your services!

02. Leverage Content Marketing and Blogging

This goes hand-in-hand but is impactful enough to deserve its own category. If you want to increase traffic to your website, start creating more blog posts, articles, or even videos—whatever it takes to wow your audience (and you enjoy!). Delivering content that tackles their biggest questions will not only help you rank on Google but will also establish you as the go-to expert in your field.

03. Cross-promote with Other Service Providers

Collaboration really is the name of the game in 2024. As you start to increase traffic to your website, consider other service providers that serve the same clients as you do. When you team up, you can discover new areas and connect with audiences that might have been out of reach on your own. Whether it’s guest blogging or co-hosting webinars, the opportunities for collaboration are endless. By sharing the load and celebrating successes together, you’ll see your traffic grow in exciting new ways.

04. Create Landing Pages for Social Media

Whether or not you want to increase traffic to your website (as a service provider), the end goal is usually conversion! If one of the ways you are bringing new potential clients to your site is through social media, consider designing landing pages to guide them where they need to go, complete with attractive offers and strong calls-to-action. Make your visitors feel valued, and watch as they follow the breadcrumbs right to your main service pages.

05. Create a Freebie

Who doesn't get excited about a goodie bag? Hook your visitors with an irresistible freebie—be it a handy guide, a useful template, or a cool checklist—that they just can't ignore. This is less about trying to increase traffic to your website and more about what you are going to do with the traffic once you get it.

Don’t have one yet? Steal my lead magnet template and create one in mere minutes!

06. Pitch Articles to Reputable Sites

Last but not least, reach out to respected platforms in your industry and pitch articles that highlight your expertise. Every article you publish attracts new audiences who are keen to learn from the best (that’s you!). You can also subscribe to something like HARO to make it easier!

The biggest mistake service-based businesses make when trying to increase traffic to your website

When working to boost your traffic, don't overlook local SEO. It’s one of the biggest mistakes that service-based businesses can make. Take the time to ensure your business is accurately listed on directories like Google My Business.

Another? Since most traffic will come to you from their phones, having a mobile-friendly site is essential. Using a platform like Squarespace makes this easy (and it’s one of the reasons I love the platform so much!).

Increasing Traffic To Your Website (as a Service-Based Business)

There you have it! Six strategic steps to start increasing your traffic to your website. If you're feeling unsure about what to do next or need a little guidance along the way, don't hesitate to contact me. I would love to help you with your website needs (whether that’s creating a one-page website or a VIP day)!

Emily Agan

I’m a Squarespace website designer.

How to Create a Lead Magnet Landing Page on Squarespace


SEO Strategies for One-Page Websites on Squarespace