A Complete Guide to Email Marketing for Coaches

Whether you’re a life coach, a fitness guru, or a business mentor, mastering the art of email marketing can transform the way you connect with clients and grow your business. You’ve heard that email marketing has one of the highest marketing ROI’s, right? And now you’re ready to get some of that magic for yourself? You're in the right place! Today on the blog, I'm sharing some must-know strategies and tips when it comes to email marketing for coaches.

Who am I to tell you what to do? If we haven’t met yet, I’m Emily, a Squarespace website designer that specializes in one-page websites for coaches, consultants, therapists, and other wellness pros. Learn more about working with me here!

Coffee cup, laptop, phone, and magazine on a desk, related to email marketing for coaches.

Why Email Marketing?

Email marketing is much more than just sending updates or newsletters—it's a powerhouse for making genuine connections (which is incredibly important when you’re a coach!). By consistently providing such value, you not only build trust but also drive conversions, whether that means warming up cold traffic to book a first call or using email marketing to nurture your current customers. If you’re strategic with your email marketing strategy, there’s a good chance you can do both!

I know you’re nodding along already, so let’s break it down step-by-step.

1. Picking the Perfect Platform

First things first, let’s talk about platforms. Not all email marketing platforms are created equal, and the one you choose can make a huge difference in how effective your campaigns are. Platforms like Flodesk offer incredible features that cater specifically to creatives and entrepreneurs, and I love that the price doesn’t change as your email list grows (unlike other platforms!). Here’s my affiliate link to check out Flodesk for 50% off if you want to try it out! Even though I’m a Squarespace designer (and can whip out a landing page fast!), I love the landing page templates Flodesk have ready-made. You can see an example of one I used here!

A word to the wise: email marketing laws have changed as of February 2024, and you DO need a proper email platform if you intend to use email as a marketing tool. I would have recommended you use one anyway, but it’s worth knowing nonetheless!

2. Collecting Email Addresses

Now, onto the juicy part—building your list! When adding an opt-in form (or linking to a landing page like the one I shared above), don’t get afraid to get creative. Nobody wants to “subscribe to your newsletter." Offer your visitors something exciting like free eBooks, cheat sheets, or exclusive webinars. Remember, it's all about providing value that makes giving up their email a no-brainer (even if they do already have a crowded inbox).

3. Segmentation is Your Best Friend

If you are a coach with multiple different offers (and ideal client avatars), it’s worth segmenting your list right from the get-go so that you can tailor your communications based on what you know about your clients. I’ll give you an example. If you are a coach who has a low-ticket group offer for new business owners, and you also have a high-level mastermind for experienced business owners, chances are, they don’t need to get the same emails. You might have different “freebies” targeting each ideal client, so you can keep track of who opted-in for what, but you can also include a place in your welcome sequence where they can ”tell you more about themselves” and essentially choose their own adventure.

4. Creating Automated Email Sequences

Speaking of welcome sequences, this is one of the most important parts about email marketing for coaches. Embracing automation in your email marketing strategy is a game-changer. It’s not just about saving time (though who doesn’t love that?)—it’s also about delivering personalized and timely communication that resonates with your audience. This way, you can trust your email sequence to “warm up” your new audience member and avoid over-sharing and spilling your heart out in the first email.

The Welcome Series: Your New Best Friend

The welcome series is your first handshake, smile, and "how do you do" all rolled into one—except it’s via email, so you can do it in your pajamas. Here’s how to make it really count:

  • Start with a clear purpose. Are you welcoming new subscribers to your community, introducing them to your services, or preparing them for an upcoming purchase? Whatever it is, make it clear and make it you (show off your personality!).

  • Next up, pack these emails with tons of value. Share your best tips, insights, and resources. This can take place over 3-7 emails if you want, so don’t feel like you have to share everything you know in the welcome email.

  • Next, if you want to sell some of your offers through email marketing, use this series to gently guide subscribers to your entry-level offerings, such as an ebook or a mini-course. This is your chance to warm them up for bigger things, like your full coaching programs or exclusive workshops down the road. I usually recommend waiting until about email number four to start mentioning the paid stuff, because you want them to like you first.

  • Lastly, if you really want to see an ROI on your email marketing as a coach, once you’re new audience member have dipped their toes in with your smaller offers, it’s time to lead them to the high-ticket items. Here’s where you can introduce a secondary sequence that targets those who’ve purchased your initial offer. This upsell sequence can move them towards more premium products or services.

Pro Tip: Consider not making all your offers public on your website. This can sidestep any clutter and confusion. Think about it: when everything’s on display, it can overwhelm folks and freeze their decision-making. But with email, you get to streamline the spotlight, showcasing one awesome offer at a time. This not only simplifies choices for your subscribers but also boosts your conversion rates. Less confusion leads to more action! This is also one of the reasons I love one-page websites so much!

Other Sequences When Using Email Marketing For Coaches

  • Course Promotion: Have a new course coming up? Create a sequence that builds excitement and urgency, leading up to launch day.

  • Regular Updates: Keep your community in the loop with regular updates. Share your latest blog posts, upcoming events, or personal anecdotes that keep the connection alive.

Automation allows you to maintain a consistent and personalized dialogue with your clients, ensuring you’re always delivering content that meets their needs and enhances their journey with you. You don’t “have to” email them weekly, but it’s not a bad idea!

Wrapping Up: Email Marketing for Coaches

There you have it! Implement these four steps and strategies, and watch as your email list turns into a community of engaged, enthusiastic clients. Seriously - it can be that easy if you’re consistent (although I probably don’t need to “coach you” on that). Are you searching for a Squarespace website designer? Let's connect and kickstart your project. Whether you need a sleek one-page website or a VIP day to knock out your design needs, I've got you covered. 

Emily Agan

I’m a Squarespace website designer.


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