4 Squarespace SEO Tips for the Wellness Industry

If you're like me, you know that having a gorgeous and effective online presence isn't just nice to have; it's essential for thriving business (especially in the wellness industry). After all, your website is your storefront, your business card, and your first impression all rolled into one. But as a strategic Squarespace designer for wellness businesses, I also believe that it’s not just about what your website looks like, it’s also about making sure that you can be found on Google. Website are not a “if you build it they will come” kind of thing. Don’t worry though, today, I am so excited to share the best practices for Squarespace SEO in the wellness industry on the blog today! 

TL;DR: As a Squarespace website designer, I’m here to guide you through the jungle of Squarespace SEO tailored specifically for Squarespace websites in the wellness industry. So, grab your green smoothie, and let’s get into it!

Need more personalized help? Book me for a 1:1 support call, here!

Emily Agan in a dark green suit lies across a white chair in an unconventional pose, with her head and legs resting on the seat and her arms touching the floor. She looks directly at the camera with a neutral expression.
  1. Content is King, But Consistency is Queen

First things first, let’s talk content. Regular blog content isn’t just a way to share your sage wisdom on wellness topics (although it IS a great way to do that!). The truth is that blogging regularly is a powerhouse strategy for Squarespace SEO. And wouldn’t you know? That’s exactly what I’m doing now. Each blog post is a new page that Google can index, meaning more chances for your site to appear in search results.

But, and it’s a big but, not all content is created equal.

To really nail your content game, you need a plan, and lucky for you, I’ve got just the thing. My Ultimate Blog Writing Checklist freebie is your secret weapon to creating content that’s not only engaging but SEO-friendly for Squarespace too. This checklist will ensure you’re ticking all the right boxes for both your readers and the Google gods.

Curious what else your website needs? Read on here.

2. Keep Your Website’s User Experience at the Forefront

A single anthurium flower with a green stem and pink heart-shaped petal rests on a cylindrical brown leather cushion, which is part of a leather sofa.

Now, let’s talk about your website's look and feel. Remember, blogging isn’t enough if your site looks like it was designed in the dark ages. Google cares deeply about user experience. This means your site needs to be not just attractive but intuitive and mobile-friendly too.

A well-designed website invites your visitors to stay a while, reducing bounce rates and telling Google your site is worth ranking higher.

Rather skip the headache and get it all done NOW? Book me for a VIP day! I’ll be glad to take this task off your already busy hands.

3. Use Squarespace SEO Secret Weapon: SEOSpace

Now, for the juicy part. Squarespace has always been a solid choice for the wellness industry, thanks to its beautiful templates and intuitive design tools. But did you know about its latest SEO tool? Enter: SEOSpace.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve had to convince people that Squarespace SEO can be just as strong as Wordpress. The biggest hesitation people have when it comes to SEO on Squarespace however, is the lack of popular plugins like Yoast SEO or Rank Math. I could go on and on about how the lack of plugins on Squarespace is a GOOD thing (it reduces your risk of your site being hacked, avoids slowing down your website or having it go down, etc), but I will spare you the details and put your mind at ease instead. They’ve finally created an Squarespace SEO alternative to Yoast SEO: SEOSpace.

SEOSpace will guide you through optimizing each page, ensuring you’re using the right keywords, meta tags, and alt texts without having to dive deep into the confusing world of SEO.

4. Speak to the Heart (and Search Queries) of Your Cold Audience

Speaking of Squarespace SEO (and websites in general), it feels like I should add that your website isn’t just a place to brag about your certifications or share your journey into wellness (though that’s nice to include). Your website needs to effectively communicate what you do and how you can help your cold audience - those lovely folks from Google who don’t know you...yet.

This is where clear, compelling website copy comes in. You need to quickly answer their questions, address their pain points, and show them why you’re the guide they’ve been searching for on their wellness journey. And you need to do all of this IN THE WORDS THEY ACTUALLY USE. No industry jargon necessary. Your ideal client isn’t looking for a “best friend to hold their hand during life’s greatest adventure”, they are looking for a “Doula in [their city]”. While I will never tell you NOT to do keyword research to help boost your SEO, the truth is it doesn’t need to be as complicated as we all make it sometimes. Instead, think about the words your ideal clients are actually search for, and use them. It’s about making an instant connection, turning that cold audience warm with your words and wisdom.

Ready to Optimize Your Squarespace Wellness Website? Let’s Chat!

By following these Squarespace SEO best practices for the wellness industry, you're not just boosting your site’s visibility; you’re opening your doors to more people who NEED what you’re offering. But hey, if all of this feels a bit overwhelming, or you’re just too busy blending smoothies and bending into yoga poses to deal with SEO, I’ve got you. Why not book a strategy call with me? Together, we can craft an SEO strategy that brings your wellness website to the forefront, ensuring it’s seen by those who need it most.

Emily Agan

I’m a Squarespace website designer.


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