How to Get More Bookings From Your Website

Wondering how to get more bookings from your website? Of course you are! And you’re in lucky, today, we are going to dive deep into the secret sauce that turns an average website into a booking powerhouse. If you're nodding along thinking, "Yep, I definitely need more of those sweet, sweet bookings," then you're in the right spot. It's no secret that your website acts as the front door to your business, the first impression, and potentially the start of a wonderful client relationship. But let's be honest, does your current website make you feel proud, or does it leave you a bit... wanting?

Whether you’re contemplating a complete website overhaul or just a few strategic tweaks, this guide is chock-full of actionable tips that will not only attract visitors but will turn them into booking clients. Let’s get those bookings rolling in!

Or.. you can save yourself a read and just hire me to do it? 😉

Homepage Squarespace design for relationship therapist

Why SEO Should Be Your New Best Friend

First things first, let’s dive into SEO. It’s far from just tech jargon; it’s actually your stealthy secret weapon for pulling in the right crowd. I pinky promise it’s not as hard as it sounds. By honing in on key phrases that resonate with your business and services and then strategically sprinkling them all over your website, you’ll not only get FOUND by new potential clients but you’ll resonate with them too!

Keep It Simple: Easy-to-Find Info Wins Every Time

I hate to break it to you (and as a website designer, I probably shouldn’t admit this), but nobody really “wants” to look around your website. There’s nothing worse than a website that makes you hunt for info. Instead, if you want to get more bookings, keep it simple. Keep your booking info easy to find to help visitors quickly understand what you offer and how they can get it. A clear, straightforward site layout helps potential clients navigate easily, significantly increasing your chances to get more bookings from your website. That’s another reason I love one-page websites so much!

Why Speed is King (and Why I Love Squarespace)

Waiting is the worst, right? When websites lag, visitors bounce. That’s why I love Squarespace—because of the “all in one” nature of that platform, it’s pretty quick without a ton of extra effort from you. Fast loading speeds keep your site smooth and responsive, holding your visitors' attention and boosting your chances to get more bookings from your website. After all, if your booking form doesn’t load right away, people will assume that it’s not going to.

Give Them a Step-by-Step Plan

I work with a lot of therapists, consultants, and coaches, and here’s what I know for sure: nobody wants to guess what it’s like to work with you. Here’s where you can really shine. I like to encourage my client’s to take the time to list out what people can expect step by step. It doesn’t have to be fancy!

It can be as simple as this:

  1. Schedule that Discovery Call: Don’t worry - this is just a quick chat to break the ice.

  2. Talk Goals: I want to see if we vibe and make sure I can help you!

  3. Proposal Time: If on the call we both feel like a good fit, I will send over a contract and invoice and we can get to work!

Laying it out like this takes the guesswork out for your visitors and shows them booking with you is as easy as 1, 2, 3! It also takes out some of the pressure and intimidation your potential client may feel before they book a call.

Make It Super Easy to Say Yes With Booking Buttons and Smart Forms

Depending on what you do, the tools might vary but the goal is the same. If you want more bookings from your website, make it super easy to say yes. Therapists, pop that ‘Book Now’ button up front. Coaches, consider embedding a form to get all the details you need when someone reaches out. A tool like Dubsado are perfect for building forms that don’t feel like homework for your potential client (and make it easy for you to keep track of on the back end to!).

Pro Tip: Keep your email and phone number a bit more hidden if you prefer guiding potential clients through your onboarding funnel.

Answer Their Burning Questions Before They Ask

Got FAQs? Put 'em on your contact page. If you want to get more bookings from your website, you need to tackle any hesitations head-on by answering frequently asked questions right where they're about to reach out. This not only builds trust but also clears any hurdles in their minds, making them more likely to hit that “book now” button.

Drive Home Your Main Call to Action

Whether it’s scheduling a discovery call or snagging that lead magnet, make sure every page on your site nudges visitors toward this main action. Keep it bold, keep it bright, and keep it consistent. You want this call to action to be the guiding light that leads them right to your inbox, increasing your chances to get more bookings from your website.

Transparent Pricing Is a Must

In 2024, having some sort of pricing on your website is a non-negotiable. Even if your services are subject to quote, having at least a starting point helps set clear expectations. It ensures that those who reach out are serious and ready to book, which will ultimately help you get more bookings from your website.

Ready to Get More Bookings From Your Website?

Alright, so we’ve covered a lot, but remember, this does not need to be hard! Want to make sure your website is the hardest-working member of your team? Use these tips to optimize your online presence and get more bookings from your website. And hey, if you’re feeling overwhelmed or just want to take your site to the next level, don’t hesitate to reach out. I’d love to help you get more bookings from your website (while keeping things as simple and easy as possible for ya!).

Emily Agan

I’m a Squarespace website designer.

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