10 best example Squarespace websites: Health and wellness edition

You've decided to finally launch that health and wellness website you've been dreaming about for the last ten years. Congrats friend! But maybe you're feeling stuck or uninspired by design. Well, not to worry, because I've rounded up the ten best example Squarespace websites for health and wellness brands. Here's to the flow of your creative (green) juices!

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The 7 essential pages to have on your website

Creating a website for the first time can be an "Oh shit" moment in more ways than one. There's a lot to think about when it comes to design, photos, text, layout... the list goes on and on. But today, I'm giving you some basic blueprints when building your site that will take the headache out of the process. Your website needs to be built with the foundations of these seven essential pages. I'm going to walk you through each one step-by-step, and hopefully, you'll have a better picture of the overall plan when we're through.

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Web Design Tips Emily Agan Web Design Tips Emily Agan

7 strategic things you must include in your website footer

The website footer is like the red-headed stepchild of web design. It gets neglected and unfairly so. Your footer shows up on every page of your site - working overtime on navigation and sought after when a legal issue comes into play. I mean, think about it, we all use them and quite a lot. How many times have you thought, "Gee, I wonder what their return policy is?" And then headed straight for the bottom of the page. Or "Oh, I wonder if they're open to today?" And once again, headed for the bottom of the page. Precisely. The footer is essential to your overall site's performance and ought to be thought of strategically to employ its true potential. In this post, I'm sharing the seven things you must have in your website footer to do just that.

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Web Design Tips Emily Agan Web Design Tips Emily Agan

When you should DIY your site vs. hiring a website designer

DIYing your website is an amazing experience. I wish every business owner could have the chance to do it. But not every entrepreneur or business is in a place for the job. That's why I've compiled some tips for you on why you might want to DIY your site vs. hiring a website designer. Neither is good or bad. It just depends. Whether you're a first-time online business owner or you've had skin in the game for a while, there are some pros and cons to weigh. Read on to find out which camp you're in! And then get that website ball rolling, my friend, because it's time to be online, like yesterday.

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