How to create an opt-in freebie for your online business

Example opt-in freebie

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Creating an opt-in freebie is an essential step in any online business. It's how you grow an email list, which, if you don't already know, is a pretty big deal!

Your email list is the bread and butter of selling online. More reliable than social media since you own your list and have control over it, rather than an algorithm that will push you to the bottom of the barrel if your content isn't up to "standards."

So today, I'm giving you a step-by-step guide on how to grow that golden nugget with an opt-in freebie. 

Freebies are how you will inch your subscribers up little by little, and it's something you can create over and over again in your business. Because who doesn't love free stuff! And the more, the better, in my opinion. 

Shall we? Let's go!

Step 1. Brainstorm

First things first, you want to come up with a giant list of everything you could make. Sit down with a hot cup of joe in your favorite comfy chair and get creative.

Here is a list of ideas to get the ball rolling:

  • Checklist

  • Step-by-step guide

  • Quiz

  • Coupon code

  • Tutorial

  • Cheatsheet

  • Roundup of resources

  • Mini-course

  • Template

  • Printable

You can pick one of these or come up with something new! Then brainstorm what content you might want to share as it pertains to your industry.

Do you sell courses? Great! You could share a starter guide for the topic your course content covers. Maybe you're a yoga instructor. You could make a 15-minute nighttime routine video. 

The critical thing to keep in the back of your head is that you're creating something your customers want so badly that they will exchange their email addresses for it.

So go on and get those fabulous ideas down on paper.

Step 2. Pick the best idea

So now that you've got this great list of ideas, it's time to make some cuts. Ask yourself these questions as you look through your list:

  1. Do I have the resources to make this freebie?

  2. Do I have the time to make this freebie?

  3. Will this freebie generate interest in my blog or my services?

  4. Is this freebie so juicy that my ideal client would be willing to exchange their email address for it?

Start crossing out your list until you've landed on the perfect opt-in gift idea.

Step 3. Outline your content

Once you've settled on the trajectory of your freebie, you're now going to draft an outline.

You can write the steps you'll walk people through, maybe the scenes you're going to film. If it's visual, you can even sketch out an image or template.

Your outline doesn't have to be perfect. I recommend you write (or draw) this as a stream of consciousness. It's far easier to edit than to stop every 2 seconds to make sure you're getting it right.

Don't criticize your work. Just get it down. There's time to perfect it later.

Step 4. Create the content

Now the meat and potatoes. Take that outline you've created and fill in the gaps with in-depth content. Feel free to edit a little bit here as you go along. But again, don't be too critical. It's about getting those ideas out of your head first.

Your content could look like writing a full script, creating the next draft of your sketch, or writing detailed instructions for your tutorial. Think through all the little details, including info on what you may need to create.

Step 5. Proofread and edit

Now the fun bit! Cutthroat editing. 

Read, read, and re-read your content. Cut and edit like there is no tomorrow until your freebie rolls off the page like a magic carpet, just beckoning your ideal clients to climb aboard.

Step 6. Build the thing

You're almost there, my friend. Now that you have a completed final draft, it's time to build that freebie.

Here are some of my favorite resources for building opt-in freebies:

Canva: Canva is a graphic design platform used to create visual content. The app is free and includes templates for users to use! Check it out here. (Yes, that's an affiliate link!) You can also grab my free Canva template below to help you knock out a simple workbook in a matter of minutes.

Loom: Loom is a video messaging tool where you can record your camera, microphone, and desktop simultaneously. Your video is then instantly shareable! Check it out here.

Interact: Interact is a tool for creating online quizzes. You can create personality, scored, and assessment quizzes with over 800 templates to choose from! Check it out here.

Step 7. Export and upload

Once you've poured your craftiness into your freebie design, it's now time to make it accessible to your audience.

If you've made a printable guide, cheatsheet, etc., you can export it as a PDF that your audience can download. If you've made a video, you can export it as a .MP4. Not all freebies will need to be exported; for example, you can upload videos from Loom directly to your website instead of downloading them first.

Just make sure to think through how your ideal client would like to use the freebie you've created and get it prepped and ready. Then upload it to your platform of choice, whether that's your website, YouTube, or directly into your email provider.

Step 8. Create your opt-in form

Creating your opt-in form will be different depending on your email service provider, but I use and love Flodesk - you can check it out here → Get 50% off your first year! (Yes, that’s an affiliate link!)

Once you've created your form, be sure that your freebie is setup up to deliver once your website visitors have signed up. The best thing you can do is to sign-up yourself! That way, you can see exactly how it works and fix any kinks in the process.

Step 9. Put your opt-in form on your website

The last step is to plaster your opt-in form in strategic places on your website so that visitors can easily see it and sign up!

Here are some options:

  • Place it in your footer

  • Create a pop-up

  • Stick it in your announcement bar

  • Put it in your blog posts or blog sidebar

And that's it! Now you're all set to collect those emails and grow your list!

Free resource - lead magnet template workbook

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Emily Agan

I’m a Squarespace website designer.

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