Should I list my prices on my website?

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The struggle on whether to put your prices on your website for new business owners is real. Your inner dialogue is telling you, "If I post my prices, my website visitors will get sticker shock and then never come back!"

I get it. Putting the real numbers loud and proud on your site is like getting naked in front of a room full of strangers. It's vulnerable, uncomfortable, and sometimes counterintuitive.

But it's one of the best things you can do to get clients, and today I'm going to walk you through why that is.

Should I list my prices on my Squarespace website?

No price equals hella expensive

Imagine you're on vacay in some chic urban city with local art, live music, and cool coffee shops to boot. You're cruising through town, and you spot this super hipster whiskey bar and decide to pop in for a drink.

As you walk through the door, you immediately sense that you don't belong. Everyone there smells of designer fashion and 401ks. But then you take a look at the menu and see it... no prices.

While you could stick around and splurge, I mean you are on vacation, something in your gut says that indulging would put you out of fun money for the week.

So you ever so subtlety back your way out of the lion's den and back to the street happy to stuff your face with nachos and a marg at the Taco Tuesday special two buildings down.

I know you know, cause we've all been there. And unfortunately, this same line of thought applies to your website. 

When your website visitors are looking to buy, they pull up your site plus ten others they've found on Google and start the hunt. They look through your offering, portfolio, and about page and think, "I like this girl! She has just what I need," and search for prices...

When they can't find any, they leave. 


Plus, why would they take the time to send an email when they've seen several other viable options (a.k.a. Taco Tuesday) with prices clearly stated on the site?!

If you don't list your prices and require the extra step to inquire, you can say goodbye to potential customers!

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Avoid the uncomfortable budget question

Now, of course, some people will inquire. But sadly not everyone can afford your prices. This means that you will personally have to answer the budget question with each client that comes through your inbox.

And I don't know about you, but telling someone that your prices are out of their budget is like getting your wisdom teeth removed, painful and nauseating.

If you list your prices from the get-go, you can avoid all of this. Yes, that means that some people will never reach out. But why would you want to have a million and one conversations with people who can't afford your services anyway? 

It's a time-waster for both you and them.

Show your integrity + success!

Your prices will go up with time and experience. And listing them on your site sets the precedence for your followers that you are in demand and worth the investment. 

Plus, if you're honest upfront, not only will potential customers trust you, it will increase their desire to work with you ASAP before your demand and prices go even higher.

So don't be afraid to shout your prices loud and proud from the digital rooftops because you, my friend, are worth it. And there's no need to be ashamed of the value you provide.

Need help bringing your creative vision to life?!

I know how overwhelming it can be to start your online business. That's why I decided to create a simple and easy process. Together we’ll build a stunning website that you can launch in just two weeks!

Book your free consultation call today! Chat with me about your website goals and together we’ll navigate the best solutions for your business.

Emily Agan

I’m a Squarespace website designer.

Squarespace Sales Page Design for Online Business Educator Paige Brunton


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