If I could tell new online business owners one thing...

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As a new online business owner, you might think that the number one thing you ought to be focusing on is your website, maybe your branding, or even your business name.

And these are all important, of course. But if I could let you in on one little secret when it comes to starting your online business, the thing you ought to be focusing on and pouring your blood, sweat, and tears into is none of the above.

It's your content creation!

And today, I'm going to lay it out for you, point-blank, why that is. Because I know you like it when I shoot it straight and, let's face it, you don't have time to skirt around the issue. So, let's dive in!

If I could tell new online business owners one thing...

Create content yesterday!

If you're not creating content, then you're behind the curve. Content creation, a.k.a. blog posts, podcasts, videos, cat memes, etc., is any useful piece of information that your ideal client wants and needs.

I mean, think about it. What do you do when you have a burning question? Do you open your laptop and type in the exact URL of the company you intend to have the answer?

My guess is no. 

Instead, you say, "Hey Siri, my plant is brown... is that bad?" You stumble upon a beneficial YouTube video about plant maintenance for dummies. And then, low and behold, you're following a California plant guru who has you ten succulents deep in their trenches. You buy their products and services because their content:

  1. helped you find them

  2. established trust that they were an expert

  3. showed you their personality (which you connected with)

  4. made it easy to buy because they offered what you needed - the ultimate match made in heaven.

And if you, as an online business owner, want to have clients flocking to your website and begging you to take their money, then you need to put yourself out there - a lot like dating.

"Dating after 30 is like: are we doing this or not... I got shit to do."

Your potential customers are out there just waiting on you to make the first move. So strap on that fancy suit and tie and get to work.

Learn more about content creation in this post: You need a blog for your online business, here's why.

But shouldn't I finish my website first?!

I get it, no, really, I get it. Holding off until website completion was my tactic too. But boy, do I wish I had done the opposite now that I've seen the traffic generated from my blogging efforts.

If you think everything about your online business needs to be perfect before you begin creating content (your website, branding, professional photos, etc.), then I'm here to tell you that you are dead wrong. 

Harsh, I know, but the truth will set you free.

Because the reality is, even if you do get it all just so before you launch, you'll be presenting your new business to a room full of crickets. That's right, other than your mom, her new boyfriend, and a few close friends; no one is going to be visiting your site.

"But if I create content and people come to my site, and it looks horrible, they won't want to buy my services."


But the thing is, you're most likely not going to go viral from one Instagram post and send thousands of potential clients to your site in one go. You have time to spruce up that home page and get those offerings to look pristine and beautiful, all while creating content along the way.

You have weeks, nay months to prepare. Because sometimes, that is how long it will take for your content to show up in Google search results, Pinterest feeds and generate followers on Instagram.

My stats

Here's a look at my own business from the last year. 

Emily Agan Studio Squarespace traffic statistics

You can see that there is zero traffic for the first half - I wasn't creating content. Then in August and September, there is a little bit of life. I was blogging sporadically and not every week. Then in October, I buckled down and started pumping out two blog posts every week consistently. As you can see, my site traffic just shot straight up and continues to do so even now.

Imagine where my site traffic would be at this moment if I had started blogging consistently back in January instead of October!


I cannot stress enough how important it is to put your content out there ASAP, even months in advance of launching. Yes, you might not have your website ready to go yet, and that's okay. You can always collect emails or ask people to follow you on social until your site is prepared. But if you don't have a following by the time you're ready to launch that beauty, then the grand reveal will be a little more than anticlimactic.

If you'd like to give Squarespace a try, you can sign up for a free trial here. Save 10% off your first subscription to a website or domain using code PARTNER10. (That's an affiliate link!)

Create genuinely useful information

Now, at this point, you might think it a good idea to generate content all day, every day, like a machine on steroids. 

Pump the brakes, my friend. Because even if you do put content out there, it won't have the effect you're hoping for unless it is genuinely useful to your customers.

Because sure, you could post a pretty picture to Instagram with a sweet caption three times a day for the next year. But that won't generate traffic, establish trust, or tell your potential customers anything about what you do, who you are, and what you have to offer.

When it comes to creating content, you need to put yourself in the shoes of your clients and ask yourself, "What kind of questions would I have about my business? What are my clients typing into Google when they want information that pertains to what I do? What are questions I've had from past clients that I can put into a blog post, YouTube video, or post on the gram that would help people out?"

Try to make each piece of content you create a gold mine of information because that is what your customers want from your business.

And yes, this means it will take longer to create, which is why pumping out content on the daily can seem like a nightmare. Instead, think about what you can do consistently. Is it a post a day, a video a week, a blog post every other week?

Whatever it is, be consistent. Show up regularly as an honest business, providing real value to your customers, and they will flock to your site like flies on honey.

Need help bringing your creative vision to life?!

I know how overwhelming it can be to start your online business. That's why I decided to create a simple and easy process. Together we’ll build a stunning website that you can launch in just two weeks!

Book your free consultation call today! Chat with me about your website goals and together we’ll navigate the best solutions for your business.

Emily Agan

I’m a Squarespace website designer.


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